05/10/2017 / By Vicki Batts
Has climate change gone from being just a scientific theory to a pseudo-scientific cult? A new “study” from the University of Warwick seems to underline the fact that the push for people to comply with the belief in global warming and human impact resides more in “faith,” than in science. In a world where anyone who even dares to question a single aspect of climate change and the hypotheses that are purported as facts is labeled “anti-science” and a “denier of truth,” it is more than ironic that they’ve actually shown faith, of all things, to be more important than anything else, when it comes to global warming.
The researchers found that when people were encouraged to believe that they could personally do things to help stop climate change, they were more likely to engage in personal actions to reduce their “footprint,” so to speak. For example, the team found that members of the “High Efficacy Climate Change” group (who received messages that encouraged them to believe in their impact on climate change) were more likely to adopt behaviors to “stop” climate change: They drove less, air-dried their laundry, used less water and were more stringent with their household thermostat settings.
The team also found that pushing the belief that certain behaviors could help “make a difference” increased the “moralization” of these actions. In other words, they found that in addition to getting people to reduce their energy use also encouraged them to have a stronger belief in the morality of what they were doing: Saving energy was good, and using energy was “bad.”
While conserving the use of resources like water is, of course, very important, the concept of “climate change believers” believing themselves to be more “moral” would seem to imply that people who do not engage in similar actions would be viewed as “immoral,” — a very cult-like mindset that has overtly religious undertones. It’s no secret that in early America, people deemed “immoral” by the majority were subject to a multitude of inhumane punishments: How long will it take for dissenters in modern America to experience the wrath of climate believers?
Perhaps the most ironic thing about the cult-like mentality being pushed by the climate change community is that energy conservation alone is all we need to save the planet — even as agribusinesses and biotech companies pollute the Earth with GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other toxic compounds. Does anyone honestly believe that hanging your clothes out to dry can compete with the rate of toxic sludge that is being poured into our waterways and killing our oceans? Apparently, if you spoon-feed people a convenient narrative, you can ultimately get them to believe anything.
The fact remains that companies like Monsanto do far more damage to Earth via their toxic chemical creations than we can even imagine. Monsanto was recently found guilty of crimes against humanity, human rights violations and ecocide by an international tribunal, and yet the media convinces people that they should be more worried about how much electricity they use. Monsanto has been polluting the Earth with hazardous compounds, like PCBs, dioxin and glyphosate, for decades. Even though PCBs were banned years ago, they are still present in the environment even today — that’s how persistent they are. In their 100 years of existence, nary a decade is complete without some kind of detrimental mishap from Monsanto.
And yet, these climate change enthusiasts are often the same people who say GMOs, glyphosate and other such tripe are totally safe and harmless — even in spite of the evidence that these things are harmful — the cognitive dissonance between the belief in global warming and human impact and the refusal to admit that man-made chemicals are often harmful to the environment is pretty astounding. Follow more news headlines rooted in rational thinking at Rational.news.
Tagged Under:
climate change, global warming believers, science cults
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