Eco-hysteria girl “Greta” a victim of extreme psychological terrorism by radical left-wing handlers… it’s time to #RescueGreta

The eco-fascists have now turned to terrorizing and mentally abusing their own children as a tactic for social influence. Greta Thunberg — the hysterical 16-year-old girl who has been rolled out by her Antifa-linked parents to lecture the world about the climate change hoax —  is apparently a prisoner of a torturous brainwashing / indoctrination scheme that has terrorized the poor girl into believing she will literally die if global warming isn’t stopped.

A similar level of psychological terrorism is being carried out across U.S. schools and universities, terrorizing America’s youth into believing they only have 10 years (or less) to live before the entire planet is somehow destroyed by carbon dioxide. (Yes, the panic makes no sense, but the whole point of their agenda is to completely bypass logic and reason, appealing purely to emotions.) Watch the videos below for examples of students predicting their own demise in 7 years (or less) due to so-called “climate change.”

Climate hysteria is now being deployed as a psychological terrorism weapon against children

It’s time to declare this psychological terrorism campaign a crime against children. These children — Greta included — are being psychologically destroyed to turn them into both human shields and social engineering weapons against society. It’s almost as if they’ve been trying to turn Greta into a kind of “cultural suicide bomber” who ends up destroying her own sanity and childhood in order to appease the twisted, nefarious influence schemes of her handlers, some of whom are linked to George Soros.

This is just straight up psychological child abuse. These children are being lied to and relentlessly terrorized with outrageous disinformation in order to achieve a specific political outcome: The enslavement of the human race under eco-fascism, where no one will be allowed to eat meat, drive a car, own a cow or run a lawnmower.

#RescueGreta from the eco-terrorists who have turned her into a terrified human shield. And stop the lunatic Leftists from destroying their own children using tactics of psychological warfare.

Watch my video on for more:

Read the truth about climate science at

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