Heavy, environmentally UNFRIENDLY EVs tear up roads, put excess weight on parking garages and “will put additional strain on America’s transportation infrastructure”

Despite all the “environmentally friendly” claims that surround them, electric vehicles (EVs) are anything but good for the environment. In fact, they are wreaking havoc on the nation’s already-distressed infrastructure due to their sheer weight.

According to the latest data, some EVs weigh upwards of 50 percent more than traditional internal combustion motor vehicles, which we are told “harm” the environment. What is all that excess weight doing to the nation’s roads, bridges and parking structures?

The answer is that EVs are causing a lot of damage to America’s crumbling infrastructure, which is currently in desperate need of repair if it is going to last and keep business and the economy running smoothly.

It is something that many people overlook when considering the “green” factors associated with EVs, but their sheer heaviness means that a whole lot more wear and tear is occurring with each passing car on the highway.

“The problems associated with EVs are poised to grow as more consumers purchase the cars under the Biden administration’s plan to eliminate gas-powered vehicles and the tailpipe emissions that come with them,” reads a Washington Times report about the environmental and infrastructure threat of EVs.

Engineers writing for Structure Magazine agree, having written a piece calling on construction companies and building codes to make necessary adjustments and accommodations for all that extra weight, which is increasing all the time as more people purchase EVs to virtue signal their love for the planet.

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“Significantly increasing passenger vehicle weights combined with recently reduced structural design requirements will result in reduced factors of safety and increased maintenance and repair costs for parking structures,” the engineers warn.

“There are many cases of parking structure failures, and the growing demand for EVs will only increase the probability of failure.”

Traditional guardrails are also threatened by extra-heavy EVs, which tend to bulldoze right through them, defeating their purpose entirely. This creates dangers for other cars that risk getting slammed into by an “autopilot” Tesla gone rogue, for example.

(Related: Did you catch our report explaining why EVs are a scam?)

EVs rely on UNFRIENDLY nations for parts, materials

Another serious problem with EVs is the fact that they cannot, at least based on current mining and production rules, be produced here in North America. Sure, they can be assembled here, but the materials and parts, including rare-earth minerals, typically come from other countries.

The problem is made worse by the fact that most of the areas where EV parts and materials derive are rogue nations like communist China that are enemies of the United States.

Then there is the fact that it takes a lot of energy to power all the EVs that are flooding to roads, but not nearly enough energy infrastructure to handle charging them on a daily basis. This could eventually lead to a grid-down scenario with rolling brownouts and blackouts that interrupt regular electric service for homes and businesses.

Despite all this, the Biden regime is carrying on with pushing EVs on Americans as the solution to so-called “climate change” and “global warming,” even as some on the right, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) warn against them.

“EVs are typically much heavier compared to similarly sized, gas-powered vehicles, which will put additional strain on America’s transportation infrastructure,” Rubio is quoted as saying.

“The American Society of Civil Engineers warns that an increase in EVs could substantially reduce the lifespan of roads and bridges, necessitating further investment in infrastructure.”

EVs are really not all they are cracked up to be. Find out more about the dangers and threats at GreenTyranny.news.

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