Top 8 “WARS” being fought the WRONG WAY by the USA

Americans can appreciate a good cause and will “get behind” it if they think it makes sense. It’s easy if it supports something they believe in and want to help improve, but what if that “support” turns out to do exactly the opposite, by making the problem much worse? The US government needs the majority of the populace (taxpayers) to support their embezzlement schemes and their depopulation agendas, so mainstream media runs constant disinformation campaigns and blandishments in this regard.

Fake news is key to millions of Americans giving up their hard-earned money, human rights, constitutional rights, and emotional support to fake “wars” that literally help fund their own demise. Let’s take an inside look at this decades-long phenomenon that empties the wallets and the minds of Americans while they believe they are helping heal the country, even though they are helping wreck the Republic.

Eight “Wars” being fought against Americans, even though the majority support them because they believe in fake news

#1. War on Drugs (open borders, fentanyl crisis)

#2. War on Cancer

#3. War in Ukraine (NATO and CCP-led Biden regime)

#4. War on Humans (AI, population reduction, gun control)

#5. War on Disinformation (AI and censorship)

#6. War on Democracy and the Republic (fixed elections and imploding economy)

#7. Biological War on Covid (dirty vaccines and health-damaging treatments)

#8. War on Environment (climate change and pesticides)

People love to “walk for the cure” for cancer or other common, preventable diseases, especially when one of their loved ones, friends, neighbors, or coworkers gets “infected” or dies from one. Yet, the money they donate and the time they spend at the event is often to support the administrative folks who run these organizations, without ever really even searching for a “cure,” or approaching it in a useful manner. That’s because Big Pharma runs most of the major organizations that fight these fake “wars” against disease and disorder, while pushing toxic food, toxic drugs, and deadly treatments that spread disease and disorder, rather than beating it.


Then there is the military industrial complex, where politicians and geo-political gurus (globalists) pretend that communist aggressors are taking over the world by attrition, while Americans watch TV and read the fake news, and think that our tax money needs to support “innocent countries” in need of democracy and weapons and food. It’s all a farce. Take for example the “War on Ukraine.” Notice how fake news called it the war ON Ukraine, as if they are a humble little country being bullied by those pesky Russians who helped Trump win (another horrible hoax).

As the Biden Regime runs guns, prints trillions of dollars, and sends our much-needed supplies to Ukraine to “fight Russia,” the truth of the matter is that the real enemies of the world are right there in Washington DC, running the Republic into the ground as quickly as they can.

The war on information is also one of the biggest wars that is being waged in full throttle right now. Anyone who is not engaging this is losing, because American’s rights are being stripped away systematically and methodically as you read this. The right to free speech, free press, to bear arms, to travel freely, and medical freedoms are all being dismantled by the plandemic, the Biden Regime, and the CCP-led tyranny. Wake up and smell the toxic fumes.

Tune your internet dial to for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma for toxic injections and fake “wars” that spread disease and disorder and ruin the Republic.

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