EPA using federal money to fund “climate justice” group heavily engaged in Middle East political action

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded a $50 million grant to a controversial group known as the Climate Justice Alliance with funds from the Inflation Reduction Act.

The idea of spending $50 million on something like “climate justice” is absurd on its own, but now Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia) is drawing attention to the fact that the group receiving the funds “engages in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activities.”

She expressed her frustration with the way the government is wasting money, saying: “Time and again when EPA officials come before our committee, they say ‘if only we had more money, more resources, more staff.’ This is what they’re spending it on? Many of us warned of the waste, fraud and abuse. No one could have dreamed it could be this bad.”

She noted that the group’s website and social media accounts feature photos showing a bulldozer going through a fence during Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, along with other pro-Hamas imagery.

She vowed to lead oversight of this and other big-money environmental programs, saying: “You could ask yourself, is this group really going to be funding climate — again, cleaning up the water and cleaning up the soil and cleaning up the air? Or are they going to be funding things like the protests they had … weeks ago where several of them were arrested?”

Regardless of how one feels about Israel’s actions in Gaza or the tendency to use the “antisemitic label” to suppress criticism of the Jewish State, giving such a high sum to the Climate Justice Alliance for something called “climate justice” is hard to get behind. The group also wants to defund the military and police.

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A video on the Climate Justice Alliance’s website claims to show a link between so-called “climate justice and the liberation of Palestine” using an “anti-colonial framework.” By restoring indigenous sovereignty, they think that the “climate crisis” can be mitigated. They also claim that “The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.”

Capito said the Environment and Public Works Committee will keep tabs on the funding to see if it is actually going to be used by the group to improve the environment or if it will simply go toward funding terrorism.

Group claims it will use money to “mitigate the effects of climate change”

According to the group, the money will be used “to serve as a bridge, model and catalyst among organizations nationwide to confront the legacy of environmental harms; strengthen the environmental justice movement; mitigate the effects of climate change; support frontline communities in enacting their localized visions for thriving communities; and pilot co-governance between the EPA and frontline communities hit first and worst by environmental injustice and the climate crisis.”

An EPA spokesperson told Fox News Digital that they select their grant recipients carefully.

“Political affiliations played no role in the evaluation, scoring and selection of Grantmakers,” they said.

They added that the grant money has not yet been awarded to the group, and that all recipients will have to provide quarterly reports on how the funds are being spent. They specified that it can only be used for “allowable grant activities.”

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the Climate Justice Alliance reported total overall revenue of just under $36 million from 2020 to 2023. This means the grant they are receiving from the EPA is worth 40 percent more than their total revenue across three years.

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