White-hot Maui fires fueled by chemtrail aerosols, ammonium nitrate, warns analyst

Heavy winds alone were not enough to spark the Maui fires and cause them to consume some 2,200 structures and kill hundreds, if not thousands, of people. There also had to be fuel, and lots of it, which came in the form of chemtrail aerosols and ammonium nitrate.

Even the sparsely present trees across that part of the island would not have constituted nearly enough fuel to cause the car-incinerating, white dust-creating infernos that left Lahaina completely devastated and basically no more.

“If not a wildfire, then what was the fuel that flash-lit the fires to burn across different mediums and materials?” asks James Grundvig, writing for American Media Periscope.

“What ignited the fires that burned metals and plastics, superheated CMU block and brick, melted windshields and wheel-rim metal alloys and the fiberglass boats pulled out of the harbor?”

The first answer is all that geoengineering that has been taking place across Maui for at least a decade, turning the island’s skies from crystal blue with perhaps a few puffy clouds and rain every now and again into a persistent white haze.

That haze, we now know, is composed of three main chemical substances: barium (Ba), aluminum (Al), and strontium-90 (90Sr), the latter being a radioactive isotope.

“For those awakening now to the spraying overhead, note that barium and aluminum combined make ‘Ba’al,’ one of the demonic gods that humans with lower frequency worship,” Grundvig notes as a sidebar to this sinister equation.

(Related: It sure looks like the Maui fires were a leftist plot to spread more climate fear and anxiety.)


By using ammonium nitrate as an oxygenating accelerant, the Maui fires were able to burn cars and steel while leaving trees alone

The other apparent ingredient in the Maui fires is ammonium nitrate, several tons of which conveniently and mysteriously went missing off a freight train in California back on May 30.

Ammonium nitrate is the same substance that was previously used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, as well as the 2011 blast in Oslo, Norway. Ammonium nitrate is also used to make car bombs.

Known scientifically as NH4NO3, ammonium nitrate by itself is not flammable nor can it combust all on its own. It does, however, burn and decompose when in the presence of other catalysts, creating a white or light-colored smoke like the kind seen in Lahaina during the fires.

What makes an NH4NO3-fueled fire unique is that instead of glowing red or some other typical color associated with a wildfire, it burns light and white.

“Ammonium nitrate is an oxidizer; it supports the combustion of other materials,” Grundvig explains.

“When a violent reaction occurs, such as a bomb blast or explosion, the ensuing cloud is made up mostly of nitrogen oxide and water vapor. In essence, ammonium nitrate releases oxygen. Oxygen is the fuel a fire needs to burst and spread.”

In other words, NH4NO3 acts as an oxygenator to really rev up a fire and make it hotter and more deadly than normal. This appears to be why the Maui fires were able melt steel on cars and inside building structures with steel reinforcements.

“Now add the coatings of the nanodust metals from years of chemtrail with a new layer of ammonium nitrate and all the Maui firestorm needed was the spark,” Grundvig posits.

“Yes, the DEW (directed energy weapon) device, whether a laser from a passing plane, satellite-based, or Chinese spy balloon. It wouldn’t take much to blow the inferno wide open at night.”

“The Deep State created the perfect fuel, which explained how the boats, vehicles, and structures all burned at once, and why the trees survived for the most part, including the 150-year-old banyan tree that centers Lahaina.”

What other environmental terrorism plots is the government readying to unleash? Find out more at FalseFlag.news.

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